As with the other services in the preceding weeks the Air Force made a commendable effort last week to boost the war loan figures throughout the country. At Rukuhia on Sunday there were many Cambridge district residents among the huge attendance.
Cambridge was rather slow in not having a bomber, or aircraft of some kind paraded in the street as did Te Awamutu and other towns. However, fine displays of Air Force Dept. equipment are still on display in the show windows of Messrs Geo. Calvert and Co. and the Farmers' Auctioneering Company's premises.
At Calvert's there is a display of aircraft fire power in Browning guns, 5's and 303's, bomb carriers, camera gun, German automatic pistol, Vicker's gun, signal pistol, bomb-sights, etc.
At the Farmers' the display is one of radio equipment and just as interesting. There are Hudson aircraft transmitters and receivers, communication receivers for ground stations, Avenger aircraft radio equipment, fighter transmitters and receivers; also a large transmitter for communications with operational aircraft.