Serial Number: NZ4314242
RNZAF Trade: Bandsman
Date of Enlistment: 1943
Rank Achieved: Leading Aircraftsman
Flying Hours: nil? known
Operational Sorties: nil known
Service Details: Ross Cubis served in the RNZAF Band at Ohakea during the war.
Date of Birth:
Personal Details: Ross Cubis was the son of Raymond Cubis of Cambridge. Ross began a long association with ANZAC Day ceremonies in Cambridge as the bugler (or more rightly the trumpeter) in 1942. While in the RNZAF he missed two Cambridge ANZAC Days, but took the duties up again on his return home after demob. He played the Last Post at 50 ANZAC Days in Cambridge as well as RSA funerals and sporting events right up till his own death in 1994. He was in fact one of the longest serving RSA buglers in New Zealand. It is also of note that he was one of the first buglers in New Zealand who played the authentic version of the 'Reveille'.
Ross was awarded an Honorary Life Membership of the RSA, and he was one of many who took part in the big 25th Cambridge RSA Golf Tournament on the 12th of November 1967.
Details of Death: Ross died
on the 15th of October 1994, aged 68 years.
Buried at: Hautapu Cemetery , Cambridge (RSA Cemetery Plot: 5F)
Connection with Cambridge: Ross was born and lived in Cambridge his whole life apart from his RNZAF service.
Photos kindly supplied by Eris Parker of Cambridge Museum, of Ross Cubis shortly before his death in 1994