WAAF Service Number: W4010
WAAF Trade:
Date of Enlistment: 20th of August 1942
Date of Demob: Unknown
Rank Achieved: WA2
Date of Birth: 29th of March 1920
Personal Details: Vivette was the daughter of Norman Fred Paul and Evangeline Paiul. She grew up in Cambridge and attended Cambridge District High School, where she was involved with the 1933 Form II magazine "The Cambrian". Other Cambridge Airmen who were boys at the time and worked on "The Cambrian" were Leslie Buttimore, Andrew Fletcher, Maurice Walker and Brian Miller. Vivette also sang in a choir productions. She gained her Proficiency in December 1933.
By 1936 she was an active member of the Cambridge Tennis Club.
Vivette was the Secretary of the Cambridge Branch of the Air Force Association in at least 1948-49.
Vivette later had the married name of Light.
Service Details: Vivette served at the AIr Headquarters, but nothing more is yet known.
Died: 11th of February 2014
Connection with Cambridge: Vivette grew up in Cambridge and she returned to the town after her Air Force service.