Kenneth Oscar LAW DFM
Continued... Page Three
Canada to Britain - The Journey
Once Ken's training was complete, he'd gained his wings and had been promoted to Sergeant, he and his fellow course graduates set out on the railway again heading east. Their destination was "Y" Depot, Halifax, Nova Scotia, where they would board a troopship to England.
The following photos show the journey which obviously took several days and had some interesting stops. This is the same journey many thousands of other RNZAF airmen made, and so these photos, though personal to Ken Law's own experience, will also be representative of many other young Kiwis who travelled the same path on their way to the European theatre of war.
All of the photos are from the Ken Law collection, and are here by kind permission of Ken's daughter Pam O'Connor. They are copyright of the Law family.
Niagara Falls and Toronto
Ken and friends visited Nigara Falls and it's surrounding areas. They obviously took a boat ride around the canals and lake area.
The railway at Welland, Niagara

The Hotel General Brock at Niagara

A bridge on the Welland Canal at Niagara.

Fort Niagara.
The American Falls at Niagara
The Power House at the Canadian Falls, Niagara
The Power House, Canadian Falls and the Bridge

The shore from the ferry boat
The whirlpool below Niagara Falls
A flying fox across the river

Niagara Falls at night.

Niagara Gardens
Another view of Niagara Gardens

Looking towards Toronto.

A view of Toronto city.
Onto Montreal

A street scene in Montreal
Montreal from a hill
A ship on the canal
Another view of the canal
The Mont Royal Cross at Montreal
To Page Four - Britain and Action
Thanks to Pam O'Connor, Natalie Bayer and Ivan Lindsey for their assistance with information on this page, as well as the usual good help of Eris Parker and the team at the Cambridge Museum