Episode 139 – New Zealand Association of Women in Aviation

Guests: Julie Bubb, Neroli Henwood and Judy Costello

Host: Dave Homewood

Recorded: 18th of March 2017

Released:  19th of March 2017

Duration:  34 minutes 05 seconds

In this episode, recorded in the open air at Te Kowhai Aerodrome, Hamilton, Dave Homewood talks with three ladies at a Fly In of the New Zealand Association of Women in Aviation (NZAWA), which was formerly known as the Airwoman’s Association of New Zealand.

The first guest is NZAWA President Julie Bubb, of Paeroa. She is followed by Neroli Henwood of Hamilton. And lastly is one of the original founding members of the NZAWA, Judy Costello.

All three ladies talk about the association, its purpose and activities and what it means to them. And they also talk about their personal experiences as pilots. Judy is particularly interesting in that she is one of New Zealand’s earliest female commercial pilots and instructors.

Quick Links:

•  The New Zealand Association of Women in Aviation’s Website

•  More photos Dave took at the Fly In, on Facebook

Julie Bubb with her Sportscruiser

Neroli Henwood with her Piper Cub

Judy Costello with her Tecnam Golf

Note: As this is recorded on an active airfield there’s a little wind noise and background sounds of aircraft movements. Time constraints forced by other commitments meant Dave could only record three interviews, but he hopes to record more stories with NZAWA members and with females in New Zealand aviation in the future, so if you can assist with suggestions, please email Dave at dave_daasnz@hotmail.com

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