Step One:
To start off, go to the main page with the Menu at the top. That page is found at
To open that page now in a separate browser page so you can refer back this this page for further instructions, click Here
You'll get this page come up. Note at the top it has the archive of shows broken into ten episodes per page. As an example in this guide we are going to choose Episode 103: Matt Henderson.
So click the page link which contains Episode 101 through to Episode 110, as the yellow bubble indicates.

Step Two:
Clicking the link above takes you to this page below, the page that archives Episodes 101 to 110. There's a sub-menu at the top of the page, select the desired episode and click that link.

Step Three:
To listen to the episode directly from your computer or tablet or phone or whatever through your speakers (or headphones plugged into your online device) simply click the Play button on the player (ensuring your speakers are on). The episode will then stream live through the internet. You can pause it, skip along the timeline or skip back to hear bits again.

Step Four:
If you'd prefer to download the episode to keep (it's free!!) so that you can place it onto a portable device that plays MP file's, such as an iPod, Smart Phone or Laptop, etc, and listen to it whilst driving, walking, gardening, doing housework or anything else, below the player is a DOWNLOAD link that allows this. You can either simply click it and it should download to your Downloads folder automatically, on most modern computers; or you can Right Click, and Save Link As to select a folder or drive that you'd like to place it onto, and then download. From wherever you have downloaded it to on your computer, you can then transfer it to a device for later listening.
Note: The podcast also automatically uploads to iTunes, so if you Subscribe to the WONZ Show in iTunes you can get it to automatically update your iPod or iPhone with new episodes as they are published. To get the Wings Over New Zealand LIVE Shows automatically through iTunes please also subscribe to 'Warbird Radio'.

if you have any problems please contact Dave Homewood on